Digital Illustration

The following illustrations are works I have done either as digital tablet paintings in photoshop, vector illustrations in Illustrator, or most likely a combination of the two. Most of these were created for fun or for an art show. A few were created for classes as well. All used with a Wacom Creative Pen Tablet in Adobe CC Photoshop and/or Illustrator. 


For a few years I did freelance design live on Twitch creating custom stream channel graphics such as logos, emotes, bio panels, social media banners, channel borders, and more.

My channel name was CommonUnicorn so that is my signature on these images.


Photoshop Work

The below works were also created digitally, but fall under more of the category of photography manipulation. Although I do usually mix photographs with painting digitally, the majority of these started as photos. Created either for commission, a class, or for fun. Adobe CC Photoshop used.